Health Care
in Safe Hands
Wellness through
Research & Development
Bringing Good Health
Closer with
Global Presence
Care from OTC to
Prescription Drugs
World Class Facilities
With a vision of developing a global pharmaceutical company, BIVID Pharma has partnered with leading European corporations to maximize competitiveness. Click here for our success stories.
Company Profile

Binh Viet Duc Co., Ltd (BIVID) was founded in 2005, operating in the field of pharmaceuticals. Our headquarter is located in Ho Chi Minh City, with branches in Hanoi, Danang, and Cantho. Despite their short operation, the 3 branches have contributed positively to the development of BIVID, with products covering new markets and drawing good feedback from customers and partners.
Bivid Pharma Co., Ltd. is the exclusive distributor for pharmaceutical products, plasma derivatives, dental products and medical equipment from leading German and European corporations.
All of our products are supplied from Big pharmaceutical Groups which have factories with Europe GMP standard- one of the most stringent standards in the world. Our products have got the good reputation and brand products in the Europe and Americas market.
- Covid-19 và yếu tố chống đông máu
- Self-control blood pressure effectively without meds
- Healthy Carbs for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
- New ‘Cancer Vaccine’ Attacks Tumors From Within